Moira Kelly Creating Hope Foundation
Regardless of our religion or faith, the Christmas message of peace and brotherhood speaks to us all. As Christmas draws near, that spirit of joy and community feels very strong in our home.
So much has happened in this, our first year of the Foundation. I feel very privileged to have received so much support from so many people to continue doing our work. Our Foundation takes this work to a new level as I bring to Australia children who everyone else says there is no hope for and I now also work with destitute mothers and their families. We have almost 20 people in our home or living nearby and it’s a joy to see everyone working together for each other’s welfare.
Among the children living with us is Shahd. She is from the Gaza strip and suffers a rare skin condition, so rare that she is the only known case in Australia. Shahd just recently completed her second operation here in Melbourne and she now has eyelids to protect her eyes and can grip things with her hands. Through all her difficulties she continues to amaze and delight us with her strength, bright nature and spirited laughter.
Another of our children, Mimoza graduated year 12 this year. We’re so proud of her. She’s now 19 years old and has a bright future ahead of her.
Little William is the son of Leila who joined us as part of our displaced women and children program. He melts our hearts every day with his cuteness. Fav, William’s father has now joined us as well and the family is on their way to building a happy life here together.
This year we celebrated Ahmed’s amazing race at the Rio Olympics and Trishna and Krishna’s 10th birthdays. We also saw Emmanuel perform his beautiful rendition of John Lennon’s Imagine at the Cold Play concert and I was touched to be awarded the inaugural Love Button Global Movement Imagine Award by Cold Play frontman, Chris Martin.
Now Emmanuel, my youngest son is home for Christmas with the family for six weeks; Ahmed and I are overjoyed.
There have been so many beautiful and special moments. It seems that every day the uniqueness and special qualities of the children and families in our house shine through, as do the generosity and love of our volunteers. We recently held our annual volunteers Christmas lunch and it was a joyous day as we all shared food, fun and laughter together.
The spirit of Christmas shines on the outside of our house as well. A special thank you to the Electrical Trades Union and their wonderful membership for putting up our beautiful Christmas lights. There’s even a reindeer!
There are so many stories to share. Please stay in touch with us through this site and on Facebook as we update you as often as we can. I want to wish you all a wonderful festive season, shared in peace and joy with your loved ones and your communities. May the New Year bring many blessings to everyone.
In Peace and Service Always. Keep smiling,