Moira Kelly Creating Hope Foundation
I’m delighted to report that Angel has now gained enough weight to be cleared to commence the surgery she so desperately needs. It will be a long journey for her, but she’s a very brave young girl and we will all be there with her through every step.
Our gorgeous twins, Moira and Molly are now past the three-month stage and they are doing very, very well. Both are healthy and alert and they smile a lot. Our volunteers love them to bits. Their mum, Severine may soon be starting a part-time job.
Leila, William’s mum is due to give birth at the end of July. Our volunteers will help to look after her baby so she too can go back to work as soon as possible. As you know, our goal is always to help our mums get back on their feet and live full, independent lives with their families as soon as they’re ready.
Some of you may know of Sally, the Albanian girl I brought to Australia more than 20 years ago. She had reconstructive surgery as a child and remained here to complete her schooling. She then went on to study nursing and now works at the Royal Children’s Hospital, caring for children as she was cared for herself. I’m so excited to tell you that Sally has met the man of her dreams and I am honoured to be part of the small Australian contingent that will travel to Albania at the end of June for her wedding. Congratulations Sally. We are so happy for you!
Emmanuel will be visiting us in July from the USA where he’s doing very well building his singing career. Those who follow us on Facebook will know that Ahmed recently had major surgery on one of his lungs. He’s recovering very well and will soon be returning to Canberra to continue studying at the Australian Institute of Sport. I miss them both a great deal when they’re not here, but I’m also so proud of their amazing achievements.
As winter closes in, our home is filled with the warmth of love and support that everyone gives each other and that we receive from others. I am ever grateful to all our volunteers and supporters for their amazing generosity and to all the special children and women in our house who have allowed us to share their journey.
In Peace and Service Always. Keep smiling,